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Admissions Process

At Bornblum, the admissions process is easy and worry free. Our Admissions Director can answer any questions you may have and help you through the process. To begin the process, please contact us to schedule a tour. You’ll be impressed with all that Bornblum has to offer.

2025 – 2026 Tuition

Thanks to the generosity of The Bornblum Foundation, Memphis Jewish Federation and community donors, the parent portion of tuition rates are able to remain at a lower cost. Actual cost to educate a child at Bornblum is $25,000.

Kindergarten Tuition: $13,000

1st-8th Grade Tuition: $14,500

Affording Bornblum

At Bornblum, NO child is denied an outstanding private school, Jewish education because of their family’s limited resources. Although Bornblum’s tuition is dramatically lower than any other private school in Memphis, thanks to the generosity of Bornblum Foundation and other community donors, additional financial assistance is available though a simple, confidential process.

Admissions Checklist

Ready to start the admissions process for your child? It’s simple.

  • Request a Visit

    We offer both virtual and in-person visits. Click the link above to request a visit.

  • Submit an Application

    Our form is online for your convenience. Click the link above to submit an application.

  • Schedule an Assessment

    We’d like to get to know your child better.

  • Provide Records

    School and immunization records are stored electronically.

Have questions about Bornblum?

Fill out the online inquiry form to get the process started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we choose Bornblum?

If you want your child in a school that produces strong and intellectually curious learners who are academically prepared for high school, and have the character that will guide them through life’s challenges, then Bornblum is the right choice for your family. With small class sizes, an outstanding faculty in general and Jewish studies, every child at Bornblum can achieve their individual potential. For more than thirty years Bornblum has educated and inspired students to become leaders and citizens who have the tools to succeed in whatever they do.

What makes Bornblum different from any other school?

Bornblum provides a safe, positive and nurturing learning environment for students. Our small class sizes, which ensure that every student gets the individualized instruction he or she needs, make us different, and yes, better. With an emphasis on differentiated learning in every class, supported by outstanding academic support and enrichment programs, Bornblum students learn every subject in the way and pace that is most appropriate for them.

Beyond this academic excellence, Bornblum’s integrated Jewish studies program gives you a partner as you shape your children’s future. Students graduate from Bornblum with deep knowledge of Jewish history and practice, Hebrew language proficiency and a character informed and shaped by common Jewish values. When students learn about the Jewish holidays or Shabbat and then celebrate these days as a community, Judaism is internalized and Jewish identity is built. You will not get this powerful combination at any other school!

What is unique about your academic program?

Bornblum operates with a pervasive emphasis on integration, where learning and living come together. Whether it is integration of Jewish and general studies, or the integration of academic subjects to create powerful and impactful project-based learning, Bornblum connects and engages students’ minds and hearts. Spend just a few hours at school and you will witness the power of experiential learning combined with traditional teaching. Hands-on science where students learn through practical application creates intellectually curious students who think deeply and solve problems. Students experiment, research and create then reflect on reasons and implications of their learning.

What role does technology play at Bornblum?

At Bornblum, technology is a powerful tool for learning. State-of-the-art resources make a Bornblum education among the best. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade have iPads and middle school students each have laptops. The school’s learning management system harnesses the power of the internet to make information readily accessible and organized for student and parent use. Most importantly, technology is treated not as an end in itself, but as a tool that assists Bornblum’s incredible faculty to deliver an outstanding education.

How does Bornblum foster creativity?

Bornblum unlocks your child’s natural creativity by providing so many opportunities for creative expression. Classrooms are places filled with creative writing and learning through the dramatic arts. Music fills the halls at Bornblum, and students graduate with a wide range of Jewish music and liturgy. which they acquire through classroom experiences as well as weekly music classes that teach them to read music, play instruments and appreciate the history of music. Graphic arts at Bornblum are truly incredible. Art classes and classroom projects produce remarkable opportunities for student expression. Whether it is through the school’s printing press or the Hornik Family Pottery Lab students explore and express their creativity in powerful ways. And all of these paths to creativity lead to deeper knowledge and well-rounded students who have the tools to process the world around them in healthy ways.

Do Jewish Studies detract from my child's general studies education?

Not only does it not detract, it actually enhances your child’s education and gives him or her an edge over peers. General studies accounts for two-thirds of the day and Jewish studies for one-third. Our day is a little bit longer, but unlike so many other schools, we capitalize on every opportunity to teach and learn. Classroom interruptions are kept to a minimum and integration of Jewish studies with general studies subjects makes the most of every minute. For proof, you need look no further than Bornblum’s academic achievement with consistently high achievement test scores, large numbers of students qualifying for the Duke University Talent Identification Program, and many graduates who enter the most selective high schools, having already achieved credits in math and science.

Will our family's level of Jewish observance be a problem at Bornblum?

Absolutely not. Bornblum students come from a wide variety of Jewish backgrounds and whether you have an observant family, a non-observant family, or fall somewhere in between, you will feel at home at Bornblum. It is the environment of mutual respect that makes Bornblum a unique and valuable place. It is a living laboratory for Jewish community that is focused on helping students acquire Jewish knowledge and identity. Bornblum teaches the skills and tools students need to make any Jewish lifestyle accessible to them. But a student’s or family’s observance or non-observance of Jewish rituals and practices is a personal decision that they make.

Is the school big enough to give my child a strong social and academic experience?

One of the great myths of a smaller school is that there are not enough social opportunities for students. This is simply not true. At Bornblum, small class sizes foster an environment where students get to know each other well and build life-long friendships. Multi-grade activities and the variety of extracurricular opportunities, like sports teams, Makelah (school choir), yearbook and middle school debate team provide social opportunities for students. And while no school is immune to the negative influences and pressures of modern life, Bornblum provides a safe social environment where students grow and develop into strong, independent teenagers. Bornblum students know who they are and what they value, which provides them safe passage through the many social challenges that lie ahead for them as they integrate into large and diverse high schools and colleges.

Does all food I pack have to be kosher?

Bornblum is a kosher facility and seeks to create an environment that is comfortable for all Jewish students. All food distributed to children at school adheres to community standards of kosher supervision. On any day of the week, students bringing their snacks and lunches may bring a dairy or parve (neither milk nor meat) lunch/snack from home or a meat lunch/snack from a vendor that provides certified, sealed kosher meals. Our school’s policy regarding food is that it may not be shared, both for kosher and allergy reasons.

The school also contracts with a kosher caterer to provide a daily lunch program. Students may participate in the catered lunch program at school or bring a lunch from home.

When bringing in food for class parties or birthday celebrations it must be kosher. We recommend checking with your child’s teacher in advance as there may be other dietary restrictions within the class.

Should I be concerned about safety in sending my child to a Jewish school?

No. Going to school at Bornblum is as safe and probably safer than other private schools in Memphis, and certainly safer than most public schools. Bornblum works closely with the Memphis Police Department and other security officials to ensure that students are always safe. The fully gated campus, video surveillance cameras and well thought out security procedures all keep Bornblum students protected. In addition, the small, family environment at Bornblum means that everyone knows who should be here, making recognizing any potential problem that much easier.

What if I want to send my child to Bornblum but the tuition cost is more than I can afford?

A Bornblum education is made affordable and accessible to every Jewish family wanting a Jewish education for their child through the generosity of the Bornblum Foundation, Memphis Jewish Federation, and other community donors.

The parent portion of tuition is lower than any other private school in Memphis. Additional tuition assistance is also available for families who need it. Through a confidential process, we do our best to ensure you receive the tuition assistance necessary to enroll your child at Bornblum.

How long is the school day?

School begins at 8:00am every day. Dismissal is at 3:30pm on Monday through Thursday, and 3:00pm on Friday. Additionally, we provide fee-based After Care services for our students Monday through Thursday from 3:30-5:30pm. There is no aftercare on Friday.

How do I learn more?

We encourage you to contact our Director of Admissions, Abby Felsenthal, with any questions you may have or to set up a time to tour our school. You may contact her by phone at 901-747-2665 ext. 114 or by email at

Non-Discrimination Policy

Bornblum Jewish Community School admits students of any race, color, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its education policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

Ready to get started at Bornblum?

Don’t forget to ask about our new student tuition discount!